On Monday, April 8, 2024, Kentucky will be one of only 15 states along the “path of totality” for a rare total solar eclipse. The eclipse will occur during JCS dismissal times and in the interest of safety and to allow our students to fully experience this special event with their families, we will revise this year's school calendar to change Monday, April 8, 2024 from a student attendance day to a staff work day with no students. This will not be an NTI day and it does not need to be made up by students. JCS child care will be available for students who are already registered on a first-come, first-served basis. Our teachers and staff will use this day to prepare for a strong finish to the 23-24 school year.
A total solar eclipse happens at any given point on Earth only once every 400 years, enjoy this rare opportunity to be a part of history, stay safe, and protect your eyesight!
Additional info and resources below
Eye Safety
Educational resources
NASA mini-lesson https://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/phenomenon/solar-eclipse
National Geographic Solar Eclipse 101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxrLRbkOwKs
STEM Activities https://neefusa.org/resource/educational-resources-2024-total-solar-eclipse