Rationale for 4th Edition of Psychology for the AP Course Textbook
Submitted for West Jessamine High School 2024-2025
Social Studies Department, Janet Sivis-O’Connell, Instructor
Timeline for AP Psychology Revisions for 2024-25
In 2022, the American Psychological Association (APA) released recommendations for introductory psychology course content and skills. To align with these recommendations and with how college and university instructors in the U.S. teach introductory psychology, we’ve revised the AP Psychology course and exam. These revisions took effect with the 2024-25 school year (May 2025 exam).
Course Revisions
Updated course framework to simplify the course structure and clarify key terms. This rearranged content within units and chapters and changed the organization from 9 units to 5 units, with a 0 unit for research skills. This means that former formative or summative assessments or reading calendars are applicable.
Exam Revisions include a complete exam design to assess a wider range of skills.
AP Psychology is now a science course in addition to a social science course.
June 2024: AP Summer Institutes (APSIs) trained teachers on the revised course and exam description (CED). WJHS Teacher, Janet Sivis-O’Connell attended the week-long APSI.
July 2024: Update AP Classroom with new progress checks, topic questions, AP Daily videos, and an updated question bank that matches the new course revision and no longer supports the previous course outline.
Fall 2024: AP Psychology teachers start implementation of the revised course framework in their classrooms.
May 2025: Students take AP Psychology Exams that align with the revised course framework.
Psychology for the AP® Course textbook and support materials
The book is fully aligned with the revised CED and all the content and skills are covered in the exact order.
Includes AP® exam practice with AP®-style questions–throughout the book, in the digital platform, and the test bank.
The teacher resources package includes an annotated teacher’s edition, a test bank, and teacher resources.
The teacher resources include plans for differentiated instruction.