Our 8th graders are ready for winter break! Ornament making, holiday bingo, card making, and a very intense game of head, shoulders, knees, cup! #proudtoroar

Boys Volleyball! Grade 7 & up! Details below!

Nothing beats a cozy cup of hot chocolate you made yourself! Our talented students tested out their handmade mugs and the results are as warm as their creativity! Great work! #proudtoroar

A massive THANK YOU to Sandy Adams, Danika King, and Zaxby's for this unbelievable support during the holiday season. Thank you for the time and resources you spent to make this season brighter for the students of Jessamine County, specifically, East Middle. We thank you for going above and beyond for our students! Thank you again! Our students are lucky to have community engagement and support that goes beyond the classroom! #proudtoroar

This week we got to celebrate our 2024 KSA Proficient & Distinguished students! Huge thank you to Air Time Inflatables for making this an extremely fun day! Over 500 EJMS students got to enjoy time bouncing, racing their friends in the obstacle course, and challenging their peers to a game of basketball. What an amazing day! Congratulations to all those students! We are so proud of your hard work and dedication to academic excellence! #proudtoroar

Burgers, chicken and fries, oh my! 🍔🍟🍦 Mrs. Martin’s and Mrs. Groves’s classes enjoyed a CBI trip to Culver’s for lunch! Thank you to our amazing PTO and the fabulous Joan Rudolph for sponsoring today’s trip. An extra special thank you to a generous community member who paid for ice cream for all of our friends!

Did you catch our Admin team out and about this morning? Spreading holiday cheer heading into the break! Catch them each morning this week! #proudtoroar

EJMS 6th, 7th, 8th, and A cappella Choir traveled with EJHS Choirs to the Hughes Memorial Auditorium at Asbury University for the 2nd annual East Sings Concert! 220 students sang together and had a blast! They even got to experience the dining hall! #proudtoroar

We are in the last few days before Christmas Break! Consider getting a gift card or two for EJMS! Details below! #proudtoroar

Hello EJMS Family and Friends -
We have finally made it! It's the last week before winter break. And it's going to be a great one - with a festive spirit week to celebrate the holidays and Club Day on Friday. Check out this week's edition for what else to be ready for including opportunities to share with our community through the gift card blitz and winter clothing drive. Thanks for a great 2024 and we'll see you in 2025!

If you're out this weekend, consider grabbing a gift card for EJMS! Details below! #proudtoroar

Happy Birthday Ms. McLellan! Make sure if you see her to wish her a Happy Birthday! Thank you for all you do! We hope you have the best day! #proudtoroar

Even though November is over, we got to celebrate these amazing students after Thanksgiving Break! Look at these shining Student's of the Month! Students were chosen based on the Graduate Profile attribute of Communication! Congratulations to all of these students! You make us #proudtoroar

Mrs. Corbin's class using math manipulatives to show integer addition! Thank you for this engaging, hands on activity! #proudtoroar

A big Shout Out to the following local businesses for sponsoring our 7th Grade Charleston t-shirts. These kids are going to have an amazing time on their class trip and they get to represent Nicholasville businesses, too! #proudtoroar
Toyota On Nicholasville
White, Greer, and Maggard
Giovanni's Pizza
Shawn Adkinson with Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance

Spirit Week in 5 days and counting!

Gift Card Blitz! When you are out shopping this holiday season, consider purchasing a gift card for EJMS! Details below! #proudtoroar

Health and PE classes had the opportunity to complete adult and children CPR training. Thank you to the Salvavidas Training Agency for spending their day at East Jessamine Middle to train our students to be prepared to save a life! #proudtoroar 💚🐆💙

Another full house at our band concert tonight! Thank you to Mr. Mitchell for all the hard work he pours into his students every day. It’s amazing how much growth we’ve seen in our young musicians over the last several months! #proudtoroar 💚🐆💙

8th Grade Call for Pictures! Information listed below! #proudtoroar