Hello and good morning to all -
We hope it's going to be a great week at EJMS. Check out the week's events in our Jaguar Weekly. Also, the Teacher of the Year nomination deadline has been extended until the end of the week, Feb. 2. So, please take the opportunity to nominate one of our excellent teachers for that! Hope to see many of you on Tuesday for the PTO spring planning meeting!

Thursday we celebrated our 8th grade iReady Goal Getters! Don't worry, if you weren't able to make it to the breakfast, your student will get their certificate this week. We are so proud of all of our Jags! 💚💙

Check out opportunities for your student to be involved in the Culture Fair!

Our East Middle Pep Bus made the away game feel like home. Thanks to these amazing students for cheering the Jags so loudly!

Our 7th Grade iReady Goal Getter breakfast had over 100 people in attendance. Proud of our Jags!

Huge thank you to all of the students, staff, and families for showing up and supporting our boys basketball teams in the Salt River Conference tournament. We had a huge cheering section and showed why EAST has the best fan base!

Attention 8th grade families! Get those pictures ready to send to Ms. Miracle!

We enjoyed celebrating our iReady Goal Getters this week at our First Annual Goal Getter breakfast! We had over 500 students school wide that already met their annual goals halfway through the year. We love celebrating so much growth! We started with 6th grade on Tuesday.

Our 7th grade boys basketball team finished out a great season as Runners Up in the 2024 Salt River Conference!

Congratulations to the 8th grade boys basketball team - 2024 Salt River Conference Champions!

Special thank you to Mr Hawboldt and the East High counselors for coming to share information with our 8th grade students about high school scheduling.

Girls soccer tryouts are coming up!

Get ready for EAST DAY tomorrow!

Please consider nominating an East Middle teacher for Teacher of the Year. Nominations will be open until January 26th.
Access the form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYnnkiMGroBLTeF1lG0eeh2QGqefcrzr5DFaG_QJLIXMEm1g/viewform

Get ready to wear your blue and green tomorrow!

Shoutout to Conner Underwood, 7th grade EJMS student for creating our Kindness Week shirt. 👏
💙ORDER DATES 1/22/24 through 1/24/24💚
Items will be delivered to your student during Kindness Week (Feb 12-16). Please put your students homeroom and name in the notes when ordering. Link to order:

Fill out an interest survey for EJMS Track and Field: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4z8ffZyot9g5KJfAt5JeVDL_hhL4JEjFovPHSu_EiLp3UEw/viewform

Hello EJMS Families -
We are eager to be back in the building and with our students and imagine that you are eager for the same thing! Hopefully, today will be our last NTI day at least for a while. So, in that optimistic outlook, here's the Jaguar Weekly for this week at EJMS. Be sure to submit someone for our JCS teacher of the year award and remember that your student can as well! We hope that you are safe, warm, and with power as you receive this week's edition and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Updated info about Boys Soccer Tryouts!

Be sure to check Google Classroom for assignments or complete Day 3 in paper packets.